(Anise, Pimpinella anisum) Do not confuse Aniseed with Star Anise Description The dried ripe fruit of this plant is the most potent and is used in many popular products as flavouring and fragrance. How It May Benefit You... aids digestion - stimulates...
Angelica Root
(Angelica pubescens) Description Angelica pubescens may be used as a pain reliever. The root of this plant alleviates the pain and numbness in joints and muscles attributed to cold, damp weather conditions. This herb is traditionally used in Chinese medicine and...
(Aloe barbadensis) Description This plant is hardy and can grow and retain its moisture in drought-stricken or almost impossible situations, usually in the warmer parts of the world. Aloe vera has been used for its medicinal purposes for thousands of years. It...
(Medicago sativa) Description Over the years, alfalfa has been used predominantly as animal fodder. Recently however, the medicinal uses of the plant have been noticed and used. It is considered a nutritional supplement and a body cleanser. Its leaves,...
(Medicago sativa) Description Over the years, alfalfa has been used predominantly as animal fodder. Recently however, the medicinal uses of the plant have been noticed and used. It is considered a nutritional supplement and a body cleanser. Its leaves,...
This chemical element is in all living tissue. It has been subscribed over the years for such things as scabies. Homoeopaths only ever prescribe dilute doses of sulphur to treat symptoms such as irritability, intense itching, burning pains, and offensive odours. The...
Silica is a trace element (only present in the body in small amounts) but is necessary for healthy bones, cartilage, skin and connective tissues. Silica’s medicinal use is limited to Homoeopathy. It is prescribed for patients with severe sweating, weakness, and...
Sepia is the dark liquid which spurts out of the cuttlefish when it is threatened. Cuttlefish are a mollusc that is related to the squid and octopus. Sepia can bring about painful side effects if consumed. Homoeopaths prescribe Sepia to patients with symptoms...
(Ruta graveolens) Ruta has been highly valued for its medicinal strengths over the years. It is reputed to cure numerous complaints, such as headaches, coughs, and croup. Ruta is toxic in large doses, but it is prescribed by Homoeopaths in minute doses to treat...
Rhus Toxicodendron
Rhus Toxicodendron is commonly known as poison ivy and is well known worldwide for the rash that forms when its oil rubs on the skin. Over the centuries it has been used to aid disorders such as paralysis and rheumatism. If it is used neat (and not diluted) symptoms...
This plant contains a caustic substance when eaten fresh and may cause blisters in the mouth and throat. Homoeopathic physicians often prescribe Pulsatilla to patients with conditions accompanied by a thick yellow or white discharge. How It May Benefit You...
Phosphorus can be found in all living tissue and is vital for genetic functioning. Phosphorus can be used in toothpaste, fertiliser, and laundry detergent. Poisoning from phosphorus causes irritation of the mucous membranes and inflammation of tissue and over time, it...