Vitamins, Minerals and Herbs - Welcome to The Friendlies Discount Pharmacy


Recommended Dietary Intakes Adults, 50 mcg to 200 mcg  This Vitamin Is Essential For…  sugar and fat metabolism.regulates the body’s use of sugar. can aid in weight loss programs. energy. Sources  Liver, poultry, wholegrains,...


This Vitamin Is Essential For aids in the production of stomach acid – hydrochloric acid. maintenance of all body fluidsnerve and muscle function. waste elimination. Sources A diet of unprocessed natural foods provides more than enough chloride for...


(Stellaria media)  Description This common weed is one of the best herbs for relieving the discomfort of insect bites and other itchy skin conditions when rubbed on the body.  Also it is beneficial for inflammation of any membranes. The parts of chickweed...


Description There are three types of chamomile plant, but the most popular and well used is the German. There are substances in the oil of the chamomile flower that seem to calm the central nervous system, relax the digestive tract, and speed the healing...

Celery Seed

Description  Celery seeds are very helpful for people suffering from an over supply of uric acid. Celery has large amounts of potassium and organic sodium that help to rid the body of waste material by stimulating various sites such as the skin, bowels and...


(Capsicum frutescens) Description  This in a powerful preparation and used by many herbalists. It may stimulate the heart and promote blood circulation, improve digestion, and boost energy.  It is hot in flavour and is also known as a chilli or hot pepper....
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