General Skin Care - Welcome to The Friendlies Discount Pharmacy

Learn About Your Skin

About Your Skin The skin is our largest organ and protects us from the elements, shields against injury, yet allows us to move, it also helps regulate our internal temperature. Its Structure The skin is made up of two important parts – the outer section –...

Helpful Skincare Tips

Skincare Tips  1. It is important to get yourself into a regular skincare routine (see our Fact Sheet on daily cleansing).  Our skin is one of our best assets and should be looked after everyday. Your skincare routine need not be a long,...


Dermatitis is a red and itching inflammation of the skin What to look for  Contact dermatitis (an allergic reaction) (an allergic reaction)  A red rash that is restricted to the area of skin exposed to an irritant. Nummular dermatitis Red, itchy,...

Corns and Callouses

A corn is a localised area of hard, horny skin which forms as a result of constant rubbing or pressure. A calluses are larger versions. What to look for  Corn an area of hard, thick skin, which may look a yellow colourCorns between the toes can be soft Callus A...


So you have done the pinch test and yes, there is no getting away from the fact that there are unwanted dimples and bulges on your legs. Cellulite is the culprit for all those lumps and dimples on our thighs, hips, stomach and butts. Well, be assured that this...

Aromatherapy For Skincare

Aromatherapy offers a natural alternative to commercial skin care products with the added benefit of being relatively inexpensive.  You are able to mix and blend your own selection of essential oils to benefit your skin type perfectly.  For Normal to Dry...
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