Ailments A-Z - Welcome to The Friendlies Discount Pharmacy

Throat Cancer

What to look for… As with most cancers, in the beginning, throat cancer does not cause any symptoms. The early warning signs are similar to the symptoms of a chest cold.  Symptoms caused by a tumour in the upper or lower throat may include:  nagging...


This is a condition caused by bacteria usually found in the soil. What to look for  If you have a cut or wound and any of these things occur – call your doctor stiffness of the neck, jaw – lock jaw, and other muscles uncontrollable spasms of the...

Testicular Cancer

What to look for… The earliest warning signs of testicular cancer usually include:  a change in their size or shape. swelling or thickening of the testicles. a firm, smooth, painless, slow-growing lump in a testicle. a feeling of testicular...


What to look for  painful tenderness and/or stiffness at a joint. in some cases, numbness or tingling. occasionally, mild swelling at the joint. Tendonitis is an inflammation in or around tendons, bands of strong fibrous tissue that holds muscle to...

Teething Problems

This is the time when teeth break through the surface of the gums in an infant. What to look for  crying more than usual. dribbling increaseschewing on fingers and rubbing the mouth.swollen and red gums. loose bowel movements – but should not be...


This is an infectious sexually transmitted disease affecting the sex organs and the mouth.  What to look for  There are three stages of syphilis.  In the first stage, 9 days to 7 weeks after having the infecting intercourse, ulcers and sores appear on...
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