Ailments A-Z - Welcome to The Friendlies Discount Pharmacy


Alzheimer’s disease is a disorder in which there is a progressive decaying of brain tissue. It is characterised by a decline in mental and emotional capabilities. What to look for… mood changes: depression, paranoia,...


An allergy is a sensitivity to a substance which does not normally cause people any problems. What to look for Symptoms generally show up in the part of the body which are exposed to the allergen… Sneezing, wheezing, nasal congestion,...

Alcohol Abuse

What to look for… The following symptoms are associated with abuse of alcohol:  temporary blackouts or memory loss.recurrent arguments or fights with family members or friends.continuing use of alcohol to relax, to cheer up, to sleep, to deal with problems, or to...

Aids / H.I.V.

Known as Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome AIDS occurs after the immune system has been destroyed by HIV virus.  HIV attacks the immune system by killing off the white blood cells in the blood known as the T-Cells. It is these cells that signal to the body’s...

Adenoid Problems

Adenoids are lymph glands, located at the back of the nose where the air passages join those of the back of the mouth.  The lymph system is the body’s defence against infection and the lymph glands (like the adenoids) are full of infection-fighting cells. Any...


Nearly everyone suffers from outbreaks of pimples at some point in life, making acne one of the most common skin disorders. Acne is a skin affliction usually occurring in teenagers, however quite a high percentage of adults do suffer some form of acne symptoms. ...
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