by admin | Jun 24, 2020 | Ailments A-Z
A bite from a bee which in certain individuals can provoke an allergic reaction. What to look for In most cases, a bee or wasp sting causes only minor symptoms such as: pain.swelling and inflammationredness.itching or burning. Swelling can be considerably worse with...
by admin | Jun 24, 2020 | Ailments A-Z
Usually occurring in children under the age of 6 years who are having difficulties controlling their bladders at night. What to look for It is not abnormal for young children to wet the bed at night – even when they have learnt to use the toilet...
by admin | Jun 24, 2020 | Ailments A-Z
These are reddened painful skin caused by the loss of blood supply to the skin due to continuous pressure on the affected parts. What to look for a painful and swollen red patch of skin, on any part of the skin which is pressed against something with pressure for a...
by admin | Jun 24, 2020 | Ailments A-Z
Baldness is the loss of hair anywhere on the body, usually on the scalp region. It is usually hereditary and affects men. However females can be affected by baldness also. What to look for thinning of hair in general, however, each hair strand becomes thinner...
by admin | Jun 24, 2020 | Ailments A-Z
Bad breath could be described as an unpleasant odour coming from the mouth region. What to look for a stale, unpleasant odour coming from the mouth.a foul, putrid odour coming through the mouth from the stomach or other internal organs. Bad breath affects most people...
by admin | Jun 24, 2020 | Ailments A-Z
What to look for persistent aching or stiffness anywhere along your spine, from the base of the neck to the, localised pain in the neck, upper back, or lower back, especially after lifting heavy objects or engaging in other strenuous activity.chronic ache...