Ailments A-Z - Welcome to The Friendlies Discount Pharmacy

Pinched Nerve

What to look for  tenderness, tingling, or numbness in one part of your body, often a limb. pins and needles, burning, or tearing pain where a nerve is being irritated  Most of us have experienced the numbness of a limb when we realise we have been...


A Phobia is an intense dread of a certain situation or an object. What to look for  Phobias are anxiety disorders. Three main types of phobias exist:  Specific phobias – a fear of an individual object or situationSocial phobia –...


This is any condition where there is inflammation of a vein. It can refer to superficial veins in the legs or deep veins in the muscles of the leg or pelvis.  What to look for For superficial phlebitis:  a hard, red vein visible in your leg; it may be warm...

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

This describes an infection in a woman’s pelvic region. What to look for  With acute pelvic inflammatory disease (PID):  severe pain in the lower abdomen vaginal dischargefever With chronic PID:  recurrent pain in the lower...

Parkinson’s Disease

This disease is characterised by a premature ageing of certain brain cells which are responsible for our movement. It mostly affects the elderly.  What to look for  the disease takes hold slowly, beginning with a sense of weakness and a slight tremor of the...

Panic Attacks

These are times of immense anxiety and/or stress, with or without triggers which can occur again and again. What to look for  If you have four or more of the following, you are having a panic attack:  restlessnessshortness of...
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