
5 years ago

Dandruff is excessive scaling of dead skin on the scalp What to look for  flakes of skin that range from…


5 years ago

Croup is spasmodic narrowing and inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.  What to look for a harsh, dry cough.laboured breathing and…

Crohn’s Disease

5 years ago

Crohn's Disease is a severe inflammation of the lower bowel. What to look for abdominal pain diarrhoea.cramps or pain after eatingfever loss…


5 years ago

Coughing is a reflex action of the throat to rid itself of any built up mucus or phlegm. What to…

Corns and Callouses

5 years ago

A corn is a localised area of hard, horny skin which forms as a result of constant rubbing or pressure.…


5 years ago

Constipation refers to hard, inadequate, incomplete, or infrequent bowel movements.  What to look for hard stools that are difficult or…


5 years ago

Conjunctivitis is the inflammation of the conjunctival membrane (the delicate skin which covers the white of the eye underneath the…

Common Cold

5 years ago

The common cold is a respiratory infection which is very contagious usually caused by a virus. It is characterised by…


5 years ago

Colic is an acute abdominal pain probably caused by abnormal bowel functions and wind.  What to look for Colic is thought…

Cold Sores

5 years ago

These are blisters which form around the mouth and inside the nose; often appearing towards the end of a cold. What…