A condition whereby the nail grows into the skin of the toe instead of over it. What to look for…
What to look for Fever, chills, sweating, headaches, muscle aches, and fatigue are symptoms common to many infections, however there are…
ndigestion is a type of pain and sick feeling after eating food. What to look for heartburn.gas or burping. abdominal pressure…
Is the inability to control the passing of urine. What to look for inability to control urination. The condition often…
This is the inability in men to be able to have sexual intercourse. What to look for The most obvious…
It is normal for you and your child to come into contact with bacteria and viruses on a regular basis.…
This is a condition where there is too little sugar in the bloodstream. Also See Diabetes What to look for…
This is raised, itchy, red, welts on the skin which may take on many shapes and sizes. What to look…
A common condition which involves short, involuntary intakes of breath. What to look for repeated, involuntary short intakes of breath. …
This is a protrusion through a weakness in the abdominal wall. It can be either external or internal. What to…