Mercurius Vivus

5 years ago

Otherwise known as quicksilver, mercury has been used in many civilisations for healing and medicine. Consuming certain mercury compounds can…


5 years ago

(Lycopodium clavatum) Lycopodium has spores that contain a flammable pollen. The powder which is made from the pollen has been…


5 years ago

(Ledum palustre) Ledum is often used as a tea. Small doses of Ledum are helpful for conditions that have symptom…


5 years ago

This is the venom of a South American snake. You only need small doses of this venom to destroy red…

Kali Bichromicum

5 years ago

Kali Bichromicum is a chemical compound that may be derived from chromium iron ore or by another process. Kali Bichromicum…


5 years ago

(Ipecacuanha) The Ipecacuanha shrub has been used over the years to promote vomiting. Consuming the root may produce symptoms that…


5 years ago

(Ignatia amara) This plant has beans which are often named St. Ignatius bean. Small doses of the seed can produce…


5 years ago

(Hypericum perforatum) This Also known as St.-John's-wort, this shrubby perennial herb has oblong leaves that are covered with transparent oil…

Hepar Sulphuris

5 years ago

(Hepar sulphuris calcareum) This is commonly known as calcium sulphide. Once an antidote for mercury poisoning, calcium sulphide is now…


5 years ago

(Gelsemium sempervirens) Although Gelsemium is often called yellow jasmine, it is not really part of the jasmine family but it…