
5 years ago

(Medicago sativa)  Description Over the years, alfalfa has been used predominantly as animal fodder. Recently however, the medicinal uses of…


5 years ago

This chemical element is in all living tissue. It has been subscribed over the years for such things as scabies.…


5 years ago

Silica is a trace element (only present in the body in small amounts) but is necessary for healthy bones, cartilage,…


5 years ago

Sepia is the dark liquid which spurts out of the cuttlefish when it is threatened. Cuttlefish are a mollusc that…


5 years ago

(Ruta graveolens) Ruta has been highly valued for its medicinal strengths over the years. It is reputed to cure numerous…

Rhus Toxicodendron

5 years ago

Rhus Toxicodendron is commonly known as poison ivy and is well known worldwide for the rash that forms when its…


5 years ago

This plant contains a caustic substance when eaten fresh and may cause blisters in the mouth and throat.  Homoeopathic physicians…


5 years ago

Phosphorus can be found in all living tissue and is vital for genetic functioning. Phosphorus can be used in toothpaste,…

Nux Vomica

5 years ago

Nux vomica is made from seeds of a tree native to India, Thailand, China, and Australia. The seeds contain strychnine…

Natrum Muriaticum

5 years ago

Natrum muriaticum is simply salt, or sodium chloride. This substance is prevalent in our world in large quantities. Although salt…